Inicio Aula Machadines Aleatorio

Cómo impartir una asignatura con cinco profesores

Sección: Rincón Psicopedagógico

Creado: 06-09-22 (Actualizado: 10-09-22)

La Lomloe introduce como novedad obligatoria en colegios e institutos la materia Proyectos Interdisciplinares, que implica trabajar entre varias áreas


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Codex; illustrating the history of the people of Tepetlaoztoc in the valley of Mexico between Tezcoco and Otumba and the tribute paid to the Spaniards to about the year 1550. Consisting of seventy-two leaves of which six leaves are blank. Written and painted on European paper. - [ url_5cd87239e0d45 ]